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Spotlighting Remarkable Talent With Our Services

Spotlighting Remarkable Talent With Our Services

B&K Thriving Artist is dedicated to spotlighting exceptional local talent and promoting it to broader audiences. As a black-owned business in Upper Marlboro, we believe that helping artists reach their full potential is vital to the cultural development of our community. Our goal is to make sure that music lovers of all kinds have access to a diverse range of local artists that they can enjoy.
At our events, captivating singers, skilled instrumentalists, and various kinds of performers share the stage with each other, enabling the audience to witness a wide array of artistic expressions and create a vibrant atmosphere. Specially invited guests at our events include radio station personnel and publication writers, as well as label representatives, fellow artists, and other professionals, which adds an even greater level of prestige and significance to the occasion. These events showcase artists of all levels and disciplines.
Beyond just the entertainment value, the B&K Thriving Artist Association also provides a learning opportunity for aspiring artists to understand the intricacies of the music industry. During our events, participants can participate in seminars and panels to gain valuable insight into the industry, from understanding copyrights to accessing distribution channels. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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